What does the Bible say about Creation versus evolution?
What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
Do faith in God and science contradict?
What is the age of the earth? How old is the earth?
Why are there two different Creation accounts in Genesis chapters 1-2?
Who was Cain's wife?
Who was Cain afraid of after he killed Abel?
What does the Bible say about cavemen?
Does Genesis chapter 1 literally mean 24 hour days?
What is theistic evolution?
What is the Gap Theory? Did anything happen in between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?
Was Noah's flood global?
What is the origin of the different races?
Who was Lillith? Did Adam have another wife before Eve?
Did God use the "big bang" to create the universe?
Why did God create such a vast universe and other planets if there is only life on earth?
How can the light of stars billions of light years away from the earth have reached us if the earth is only thousands of years old?
What is the location of the Garden of Eden?
What does the Bible say about dragons?
What happened at the Tower of Babel?
Did God create other people in addition to Adam and Eve?
Had it ever rained before the Flood in Noah's day?
Did the Bible copy the Flood account from other myths and legends?
What is the Intelligent Design Theory?
What was God doing before He created the universe?
What does Creation "ex nihilo" mean?
How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark?
Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?
How could there be light on the first day of Creation if the sun was not created until the fourth day?
What does the Bible say about the ice age?
How long did it take Noah to build the ark? How long was Noah on the ark?
Were Adam and Eve saved? How many children did Adam and Eve have? When were Adam and Eve created?
Does the Bible say anything about a pre-Adamic race?
What is Progressive Creationism and is it Biblical?
How does the geologic timescale fit with the view of a young earth?
How does radiometric dating fit with the view of a young earth?
Is there any evidence for the Bible's view of a young earth?
What is Irreducible Complexity?
Is the theory of Pangea possible? Does the Bible say that there was once a Pangea / Pangaea?
What is the Anthropic Principle?
Did the Bible copy some of its stories from other religious myths and legends?
What is Serpent Seed doctrine?
What is the Table of Nations?
Is creationism scientific? Is creationism compatible with the scientific method?
How does creationism vs. evolution impact how a person views the world?
Why is the science community so opposed to creationism?
What caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?
Why is Biblical Creationism so important?
What is the theory of directed panspermia?
What are Y-Chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve?
What is the difference between Microevolution and Macroevolution?
How is Intelligent Design any different from belief in a Flying Spaghetti Monster?
What is the theory of abiogenesis? What is the definition of abiogenesis?
What is the theory of punctuated equilibrium?
Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?
What is the God particle?
What is the God of the gaps argument?
What are some flaws in the theory of evolution?
What is Old Earth Creationism?
Is the universe eternal?
Why didn't Adam and Eve find it strange that a serpent was talking to them?
The Missing Link - has it been found?
What is the canopy theory?
Is the similarity in human/chimp DNA evidence for evolution?
What is the best evidence/argument for intelligent design?
What does the Bible say about uniformitarianism vs. catastrophism?
What happened on each of the days of Creation?
What is the biblical Creation story?
Would the discovery of Noah's Ark be important?
How do beliefs about creation impact the rest of theology?
Is the concept of Lucifer's Flood biblical?
What was the leviathan?
What is the multiverse theory?
Did God create the universe?
Does the Bible teach geocentrism?
How does the Cambrian Explosion fit within the framework of young-earth creationism?
What do creationists believe about natural selection?
What is the breath of life?
Was Adam and Eve's sin really about eating a piece of forbidden fruit?