Answer: Matthew 24:36-44 declares, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father…Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come…So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.” At first glance, these verses would seem to provide a clear and explicit answer to the question. No, no one can know when Jesus is coming back. However, those verses do not say that no one will ever be able to know when Jesus will return. Most Bible scholars would say that Jesus, now glorified in Heaven, knows the timing of His return, indicating that the phrase “nor the Son” does not mean Jesus will never know when He will return. Similarly, it is possible that while Matthew 24:36-44 indicates that no one at that time could know the timing of Jesus’ return, it is possible that God could reveal the timing of Jesus’ return to someone in the future.
With that said, let us be abundantly clear, we do not believe that God has revealed to anyone when Jesus is coming back, and we see nothing in Scripture which indicates that God will ever reveal to anyone when Jesus is coming back. Matthew 24:36-44, while spoken directly to the people in Jesus’ time, also contains a principle. The timing of Jesus’ return and the end of the age is not for us to know. Scripture nowhere encourages us to try to determine the date. Rather, we are to “keep watch, because we do not know on which day our Lord will come” (v. 42). We are to “be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when we do not expect Him” (v. 44). The force of Jesus’ words diminishes if at some point in the future someone will be able to determine when Jesus is coming back. If the date is discovered, we no longer need to “keep watch” or “be ready” until the date is approaching. So, with the principle of Matthew 24:36-44 is mind, no, it is not possible for anyone to know the date that Jesus is coming back.
Despite this clear biblical principle, many throughout Christian history have attempted to prophesy the date that Jesus is coming back. Many such dates have been proposed, and all of them have been wrong. Today, there are two popular proposed dates: May 21, 2011 and December 21, 2012. The December 21, 2012 date is related to the Mayan calendar, with no biblical data used as evidence. The May 21, 2011 date is proposed by Harold Camping of Family Radio. It should be noted that Harold Camping previously predicted that Jesus would come back in 1994. Obviously, Camping was wrong. This should give us yet another reason to doubt the validity of his prediction of May 21, 2011. Camping, does, however, claim to find evidence for the May 21, 2011 date in Scripture. By using a speculative date of 4990 B.C. for the Flood, and then applying the “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years” of 2 Peter 3:8 to the seven days of Genesis 7:4, and then counting down the 7000 years from 4990, the year 2011 results. Then based on “the seventeenth day of the second month” from Genesis 7:11 and using the Hebrew calendar, the date of May 21 is determined. So, is there any validity to Camping’s methodology?
First, Camping conveniently ignores the second half of 2 Peter 3:8, “and a thousand years as one day.” Further, 2 Peter 3:8 is not providing a method for dating the end times. Rather, 2 Peter 3:8 is simply saying that God is above and beyond time. God is timeless, infinite, and eternal. Second, nothing in the context of Genesis 7:4-11 indicates that the “seven days” and “seventeenth day of the second month” are to be interpreted as applying to anything other than what God was specifically saying to Noah. Third, the Flood being dated to 4990 B.C. is speculative at best, with no explicit biblical evidence. Camping’s calculation of May 21, 2011 falls apart with even the most basic biblical scrutiny. Now, is it possible that Jesus be coming back on May 21, 2011? Yes, but it is just as possible that He will come back on any other date. Does Harold Camping’s particular dating methodology have any biblical validity? No, it does not. Assuming that Jesus does not return on or before May 21, 2011, Camping, and others, will surely calculate new future dates and will attempt to explain away mistakes by “errors in the formula” or something to that effect.
The key points are: (1) the Bible nowhere encourages us to attempt to discover the timing of Jesus’ return, and (2) the Bible gives no explicit data by which the timing of Jesus’ return can be determined. Rather than developing wild and speculative calculations to determine when Jesus is coming back, the Bible encourages us to “keep watch” and “be ready” (Matthew 24:42-44). The fact that the day of Jesus’ return is unknown is what should motivate us to live every day in light of the imminence of Christ’s return.
Do we have guardian angels?
Question: "Do we have guardian angels?"
Answer: Matthew 18:10 states, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” In the context, “these little ones” could either apply to those who believe in Him (v. 6) or it could refer to the little children (vs. 3-5). This is the key passage regarding guardian angels. There is no doubt that good angels help protect (Daniel 6:20-23; 2 Kings 6:13-17), reveal information (Acts 7:52-53; Luke 1:11-20), guide (Matthew 1:20-21; Acts 8:26), provide for (Genesis 21:17-20; 1 Kings 19:5-7), and minister to believers in general (Hebrews 1:14).
The question is whether each person—or each believer—has an angel assigned to him/her. In the Old Testament, the nation of Israel had the archangel (Michael) assigned to it (Daniel 10:21; 12:1), but Scripture nowhere states that an angel is “assigned” to an individual (angels were sometimes sent to individuals, but there is no mention of permanent assignment). The Jews fully developed the belief in guardian angels during the time between the Old and New Testament periods. Some early church fathers believed that each person had not only a good angel assigned to him/her, but a demon as well. The belief in guardian angels has been around for a long time, but there is no explicit scriptural basis for it.
To return to Matthew 18:10, the word “their” is a collective pronoun in the Greek and refers to the fact that believers are served by angels in general. These angels are pictured as “always” watching the face of God so as to hear His command to them to help a believer when it is needed. The angels in this passage do not seem to be guarding a person so much as being attentive to the Father in heaven. The active duty or oversight seems, then, to come more from God than from the angels, which makes perfect sense because God alone is omniscient. He sees every believer at every moment, and He alone knows when one of us needs the intervention of an angel. Because they are continually seeing His face, the angels are at His disposal to help one of His “little ones.”
It cannot be emphatically answered from Scripture whether or not each believer has a guardian angel assigned to him/her. But, as stated earlier, God does use angels in ministering to us. It is scriptural to say that He uses them as He uses us; that is, He in no way needs us or them to accomplish His purposes, but chooses to use us and them nevertheless (Job 4:18; 15:15). In the end, whether or not we have an angel assigned to protect us, we have an even greater assurance from God: if we are His children through faith in Christ, He works all things together for good (Romans 8:28-30), and Jesus Christ will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6). If we have an omniscient, omnipotent, all-loving God with us, does it really matter whether or not there is a finite guardian angel protecting us?
Answer: Matthew 18:10 states, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” In the context, “these little ones” could either apply to those who believe in Him (v. 6) or it could refer to the little children (vs. 3-5). This is the key passage regarding guardian angels. There is no doubt that good angels help protect (Daniel 6:20-23; 2 Kings 6:13-17), reveal information (Acts 7:52-53; Luke 1:11-20), guide (Matthew 1:20-21; Acts 8:26), provide for (Genesis 21:17-20; 1 Kings 19:5-7), and minister to believers in general (Hebrews 1:14).
The question is whether each person—or each believer—has an angel assigned to him/her. In the Old Testament, the nation of Israel had the archangel (Michael) assigned to it (Daniel 10:21; 12:1), but Scripture nowhere states that an angel is “assigned” to an individual (angels were sometimes sent to individuals, but there is no mention of permanent assignment). The Jews fully developed the belief in guardian angels during the time between the Old and New Testament periods. Some early church fathers believed that each person had not only a good angel assigned to him/her, but a demon as well. The belief in guardian angels has been around for a long time, but there is no explicit scriptural basis for it.
To return to Matthew 18:10, the word “their” is a collective pronoun in the Greek and refers to the fact that believers are served by angels in general. These angels are pictured as “always” watching the face of God so as to hear His command to them to help a believer when it is needed. The angels in this passage do not seem to be guarding a person so much as being attentive to the Father in heaven. The active duty or oversight seems, then, to come more from God than from the angels, which makes perfect sense because God alone is omniscient. He sees every believer at every moment, and He alone knows when one of us needs the intervention of an angel. Because they are continually seeing His face, the angels are at His disposal to help one of His “little ones.”
It cannot be emphatically answered from Scripture whether or not each believer has a guardian angel assigned to him/her. But, as stated earlier, God does use angels in ministering to us. It is scriptural to say that He uses them as He uses us; that is, He in no way needs us or them to accomplish His purposes, but chooses to use us and them nevertheless (Job 4:18; 15:15). In the end, whether or not we have an angel assigned to protect us, we have an even greater assurance from God: if we are His children through faith in Christ, He works all things together for good (Romans 8:28-30), and Jesus Christ will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6). If we have an omniscient, omnipotent, all-loving God with us, does it really matter whether or not there is a finite guardian angel protecting us?
Are angels male or female?
Question: "Are angels male or female?"
Answer: The Bible does not necessarily support the idea of angels being male or female. Whenever gender is specifically “assigned” to an angel in Scripture, it is male (Genesis 19:10-12; Revelation 7:2; 8:3; 10:7). However, this does not necessarily indicate that angels are male. Matthew 22:30 seems to indicate that angels are “sexless,” without gender: “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” If angels do not procreate, there is no need for gender, at least not in the sense of human gender distinctions.
In a similar manner, God always refers to Himself in masculine language, although God is neither male nor female. God uses masculine language when He speaks of Himself because it more adequately describes who He is and what He does, especially in the patriarchal cultures in which the Bible was written. If angels do have a gender in some form, Scripture would indicate that they are predominately or universally male. It is more likely that angels are genderless, just as God is, and that masculine language is used to describe them and their role in serving God.
Answer: The Bible does not necessarily support the idea of angels being male or female. Whenever gender is specifically “assigned” to an angel in Scripture, it is male (Genesis 19:10-12; Revelation 7:2; 8:3; 10:7). However, this does not necessarily indicate that angels are male. Matthew 22:30 seems to indicate that angels are “sexless,” without gender: “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” If angels do not procreate, there is no need for gender, at least not in the sense of human gender distinctions.
In a similar manner, God always refers to Himself in masculine language, although God is neither male nor female. God uses masculine language when He speaks of Himself because it more adequately describes who He is and what He does, especially in the patriarchal cultures in which the Bible was written. If angels do have a gender in some form, Scripture would indicate that they are predominately or universally male. It is more likely that angels are genderless, just as God is, and that masculine language is used to describe them and their role in serving God.
What happens at the final judgment?
Question: "What happens at the final judgment?"
Answer: The first thing to understand about the final judgment is that it cannot be avoided. Regardless of how we may choose to interpret the end times, we are told that “it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Just as John graphically recorded in the last book of the Bible, each of us will one day find ourselves standing before God. No one will escape this climactic moment—his divine appointment with our Creator:
“And I saw a great white throne, and Him sitting on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And a place was not found for them. And I saw the dead, the small and the great, stand before God. And books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead in it. And death and hell delivered up the dead in them. And each one of them was judged according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death. And if anyone was not found having been written in the Book of Life, he was cast into the Lake of Fire” (Revelation 20:11-15).
This remarkable passage introduces to us the final judgment—the end of human history and the beginning of the eternal state. We can be sure of this: no mistakes will be made in our hearings because we will be judged by a perfect God (Matthew 5:48; 1 John 1:5). This will manifest itself in many undeniable proofs. First, God will be perfectly just and fair (Acts 10:34; Galatians 3:28). Second, God cannot be deceived (Galatians 6:7). Third, God cannot be swayed by any prejudices, excuses or lies (Luke 14:16-24).
As God the Son, Jesus Christ will be the judge. All unbelievers will be judged by Christ, and they will be punished according to the works they have done. The Bible is very clear that unbelievers are storing up wrath against themselves (Romans 2:5) and that God will “give to each person according to what he has done” (Romans 2:6). Believers will also be judged by Christ, but since Christ’s righteousness has been imputed to us and our names are written in the book of life, we will be rewarded, but not punished, according to our deeds. At the final judgment our fate will be in the hands of the omniscient God who will judge us according to our soul’s condition. Therefore, the final judgment will be a time of rejoicing for a few and the ultimate nightmare for everyone else. Jesus said that only a few would be saved while the rest would be lost (Matthew 7:13-14).
However, for now, our fate is in our own hands. The end of our soul’s journey will be either in an eternal heaven or in an eternal hell (Matthew 25:46). We must choose where we will be by accepting or rejecting the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, and we must make that choice before our physical lives on this earth come to an end. After death, there is no longer a choice, and our fate is to stand before the throne of God, where everything will be open and naked before Him (Hebrews 4:13). Romans 2:6 declares that what we do in our lives goes into the books that will be opened at our judgment. God “will give to each person according to what he has done.” It is on that final judgment day that God will open His arms and declare those profound words, the very essence of our fervent hope upon this earth, “Enter into the joy of your Lord” (Matthew 25:21).
Answer: The first thing to understand about the final judgment is that it cannot be avoided. Regardless of how we may choose to interpret the end times, we are told that “it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Just as John graphically recorded in the last book of the Bible, each of us will one day find ourselves standing before God. No one will escape this climactic moment—his divine appointment with our Creator:
“And I saw a great white throne, and Him sitting on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And a place was not found for them. And I saw the dead, the small and the great, stand before God. And books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead in it. And death and hell delivered up the dead in them. And each one of them was judged according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death. And if anyone was not found having been written in the Book of Life, he was cast into the Lake of Fire” (Revelation 20:11-15).
This remarkable passage introduces to us the final judgment—the end of human history and the beginning of the eternal state. We can be sure of this: no mistakes will be made in our hearings because we will be judged by a perfect God (Matthew 5:48; 1 John 1:5). This will manifest itself in many undeniable proofs. First, God will be perfectly just and fair (Acts 10:34; Galatians 3:28). Second, God cannot be deceived (Galatians 6:7). Third, God cannot be swayed by any prejudices, excuses or lies (Luke 14:16-24).
As God the Son, Jesus Christ will be the judge. All unbelievers will be judged by Christ, and they will be punished according to the works they have done. The Bible is very clear that unbelievers are storing up wrath against themselves (Romans 2:5) and that God will “give to each person according to what he has done” (Romans 2:6). Believers will also be judged by Christ, but since Christ’s righteousness has been imputed to us and our names are written in the book of life, we will be rewarded, but not punished, according to our deeds. At the final judgment our fate will be in the hands of the omniscient God who will judge us according to our soul’s condition. Therefore, the final judgment will be a time of rejoicing for a few and the ultimate nightmare for everyone else. Jesus said that only a few would be saved while the rest would be lost (Matthew 7:13-14).
However, for now, our fate is in our own hands. The end of our soul’s journey will be either in an eternal heaven or in an eternal hell (Matthew 25:46). We must choose where we will be by accepting or rejecting the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, and we must make that choice before our physical lives on this earth come to an end. After death, there is no longer a choice, and our fate is to stand before the throne of God, where everything will be open and naked before Him (Hebrews 4:13). Romans 2:6 declares that what we do in our lives goes into the books that will be opened at our judgment. God “will give to each person according to what he has done.” It is on that final judgment day that God will open His arms and declare those profound words, the very essence of our fervent hope upon this earth, “Enter into the joy of your Lord” (Matthew 25:21).
Who is the false prophet of the end times?
Question: "Who is the false prophet of the end times?"
Answer: The false prophet of the end times is described in Revelation 13:11-15. He is also referred to as the “second beast” (Revelation 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Together with the Antichrist and Satan, who empowers both of them, the false prophet is the third party in the unholy trinity.
The apostle John describes this person and gives us clues to identifying him when he shows up. First, he comes out of the earth. This could mean he comes up from the pit of hell with all the demonic powers of hell at his command. It could also mean he comes from lowly circumstances, secret and unknown until he burst on the world stage at the right hand of the Antichrist. He is depicted as having horns like a lamb, while speaking like a dragon. The horns on lambs are merely small bumps on their heads until the lamb grows into a ram. Rather than having the Antichrist’s multiplicity of heads and horns, showing his power and might and fierceness, the false prophet comes like a lamb, winsomely, with persuasive words that elicit sympathy and good will from others. He may be an extraordinary preacher or orator whose demonically empowered words will deceive the multitudes. But he speaks like a dragon, which means his message is the message of a dragon. Revelation 12:9 identifies the dragon as the devil and Satan.
Verse 12 give us the false prophet’s mission on earth, which is to force humanity to worship the Antichrist. He has all the authority of the Antichrist because, like him, the false prophet is empowered by Satan. It is not clear whether people are forced to worship the Antichrist or whether they are so enamored of these powerful beings that they fall for the deception and worship him willingly. The fact that the second beast uses miraculous signs and wonders, including fire from heaven, to establish the credibility of both of them would seem to indicate that people will fall in line behind them in adoration for their power and message. Verse 14 goes on to say the deception will be so great that the people will set up an idol to the Antichrist and worship it. This is reminiscent of the huge golden image of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3) before which all were to bow down and pay homage. Revelation 14:9-11, however, describes the ghastly fate that awaits those who worship the image of the Antichrist.
Those who survive the terrors of the tribulation to this point will be faced with two hard choices. Those who refuse to worship the image of the beast will be subject to death (v. 15), but those who do worship him will incur the wrath of God. The image will be extraordinary in that it will be able to “speak.” This doesn’t mean it will come to life—the Greek word here is pneuma meaning “breath” or “current” of air, not the word bios (“life”)—but it does mean that it will have some kind of ability to breathe forth the message of the Antichrist and the false prophet. Along with being the spokesman for them, the image will also be used to condemn to death those who refuse to worship the unholy pair. In our technological world, it is not hard to imagine such a scenario where a statue could be animated and appear to come to life.
Whoever and whatever the false prophet turns out to be, the final world deception and the final apostasy will be great and the whole world will be caught up in it. We must not be led astray by the small-time deceivers and false teachers we see today who are the forerunners of the Antichrist and the false prophet. These people abound, and they are moving us toward this final satanic kingdom. We have to be faithful to proclaim the saving gospel of Jesus Christ while it is still possible to do so and rescue the souls of men and women from the coming disaster.
Answer: The false prophet of the end times is described in Revelation 13:11-15. He is also referred to as the “second beast” (Revelation 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Together with the Antichrist and Satan, who empowers both of them, the false prophet is the third party in the unholy trinity.
The apostle John describes this person and gives us clues to identifying him when he shows up. First, he comes out of the earth. This could mean he comes up from the pit of hell with all the demonic powers of hell at his command. It could also mean he comes from lowly circumstances, secret and unknown until he burst on the world stage at the right hand of the Antichrist. He is depicted as having horns like a lamb, while speaking like a dragon. The horns on lambs are merely small bumps on their heads until the lamb grows into a ram. Rather than having the Antichrist’s multiplicity of heads and horns, showing his power and might and fierceness, the false prophet comes like a lamb, winsomely, with persuasive words that elicit sympathy and good will from others. He may be an extraordinary preacher or orator whose demonically empowered words will deceive the multitudes. But he speaks like a dragon, which means his message is the message of a dragon. Revelation 12:9 identifies the dragon as the devil and Satan.
Verse 12 give us the false prophet’s mission on earth, which is to force humanity to worship the Antichrist. He has all the authority of the Antichrist because, like him, the false prophet is empowered by Satan. It is not clear whether people are forced to worship the Antichrist or whether they are so enamored of these powerful beings that they fall for the deception and worship him willingly. The fact that the second beast uses miraculous signs and wonders, including fire from heaven, to establish the credibility of both of them would seem to indicate that people will fall in line behind them in adoration for their power and message. Verse 14 goes on to say the deception will be so great that the people will set up an idol to the Antichrist and worship it. This is reminiscent of the huge golden image of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3) before which all were to bow down and pay homage. Revelation 14:9-11, however, describes the ghastly fate that awaits those who worship the image of the Antichrist.
Those who survive the terrors of the tribulation to this point will be faced with two hard choices. Those who refuse to worship the image of the beast will be subject to death (v. 15), but those who do worship him will incur the wrath of God. The image will be extraordinary in that it will be able to “speak.” This doesn’t mean it will come to life—the Greek word here is pneuma meaning “breath” or “current” of air, not the word bios (“life”)—but it does mean that it will have some kind of ability to breathe forth the message of the Antichrist and the false prophet. Along with being the spokesman for them, the image will also be used to condemn to death those who refuse to worship the unholy pair. In our technological world, it is not hard to imagine such a scenario where a statue could be animated and appear to come to life.
Whoever and whatever the false prophet turns out to be, the final world deception and the final apostasy will be great and the whole world will be caught up in it. We must not be led astray by the small-time deceivers and false teachers we see today who are the forerunners of the Antichrist and the false prophet. These people abound, and they are moving us toward this final satanic kingdom. We have to be faithful to proclaim the saving gospel of Jesus Christ while it is still possible to do so and rescue the souls of men and women from the coming disaster.
Who is the antichrist?
Question: "Who is the antichrist?"
Answer: There is much speculation about the identity of the Antichrist. Some of the more popular targets are Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Pope Benedict XVI. In the United States, former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and current President Barack Obama, are the most frequent candidates. So, who is the Antichrist, and how will we recognize him?
The Bible really does not say anything specific about where the Antichrist will come from. Many Bible scholars speculate that he will come from a confederacy of ten nations and/or a reborn Roman empire (Daniel 7:24-25; Revelation 17:7). Others see him as having to be a Jew in order to claim to be the Messiah. It is all just speculation since the Bible does not specifically say where the Antichrist will come from or what race he will be. One day, the Antichrist will be revealed. Second Thessalonians 2:3-4 tells us how we will recognize the Antichrist: “Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”
It is likely that most people who are alive when the Antichrist is revealed will be very surprised at his identity. The Antichrist may or may not be alive today. Martin Luther was convinced that the pope in his time was the Antichrist. During the 1940’s, many believed Adolph Hitler was the Antichrist. Others who have lived in the past few hundred years have been equally sure as to the identity of the Antichrist. So far, they have all been incorrect. We should put the speculations behind us and focus on what the Bible actually says about the Antichrist. Revelation 13:5-8 declares, “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.”
Answer: There is much speculation about the identity of the Antichrist. Some of the more popular targets are Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Pope Benedict XVI. In the United States, former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and current President Barack Obama, are the most frequent candidates. So, who is the Antichrist, and how will we recognize him?
The Bible really does not say anything specific about where the Antichrist will come from. Many Bible scholars speculate that he will come from a confederacy of ten nations and/or a reborn Roman empire (Daniel 7:24-25; Revelation 17:7). Others see him as having to be a Jew in order to claim to be the Messiah. It is all just speculation since the Bible does not specifically say where the Antichrist will come from or what race he will be. One day, the Antichrist will be revealed. Second Thessalonians 2:3-4 tells us how we will recognize the Antichrist: “Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”
It is likely that most people who are alive when the Antichrist is revealed will be very surprised at his identity. The Antichrist may or may not be alive today. Martin Luther was convinced that the pope in his time was the Antichrist. During the 1940’s, many believed Adolph Hitler was the Antichrist. Others who have lived in the past few hundred years have been equally sure as to the identity of the Antichrist. So far, they have all been incorrect. We should put the speculations behind us and focus on what the Bible actually says about the Antichrist. Revelation 13:5-8 declares, “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.”
What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming?
Question: "What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming?"
Answer: The rapture and the second coming of Christ are often confused. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a scripture verse is referring to the rapture or the second coming. However, in studying end-times Bible prophecy, it is very important to differentiate between the two.
The rapture is when Jesus Christ returns to remove the church (all believers in Christ) from the earth. The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and, along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air. This will all occur in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The second coming is when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His millennial kingdom. The second coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16.
The important differences between the rapture and second coming are as follows:
1) At the rapture, believers meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the second coming, believers return with the Lord to the earth (Revelation 19:14).
2) The second coming occurs after the great and terrible tribulation (Revelation chapters 6–19). The rapture occurs before the tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).
3) The rapture is the removal of believers from the earth as an act of deliverance (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 5:9). The second coming includes the removal of unbelievers as an act of judgment (Matthew 24:40-41).
4) The rapture will be secret and instant (1 Corinthians 15:50-54). The second coming will be visible to all (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:29-30).
5) The second coming of Christ will not occur until after certain other end-times events take place (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation chapters 6–18). The rapture is imminent; it could take place at any moment (Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54).
Why is it important to keep the rapture and the second coming distinct?
1) If the rapture and the second coming are the same event, believers will have to go through the tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).
2) If the rapture and the second coming are the same event, the return of Christ is not imminent—there are many things which must occur before He can return (Matthew 24:4-30).
3) In describing the tribulation period, Revelation chapters 6–19 nowhere mentions the church. During the tribulation—also called “the time of trouble for Jacob” (Jeremiah 30:7)—God will again turn His primary attention to Israel (Romans 11:17-31).
The rapture and second coming are similar but separate events. Both involve Jesus returning. Both are end-times events. However, it is crucially important to recognize the differences. In summary, the rapture is the return of Christ in the clouds to remove all believers from the earth before the time of God’s wrath. The second coming is the return of Christ to the earth to bring the tribulation to an end and to defeat the Antichrist and his evil world empire.
Answer: The rapture and the second coming of Christ are often confused. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a scripture verse is referring to the rapture or the second coming. However, in studying end-times Bible prophecy, it is very important to differentiate between the two.
The rapture is when Jesus Christ returns to remove the church (all believers in Christ) from the earth. The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and, along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air. This will all occur in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The second coming is when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His millennial kingdom. The second coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16.
The important differences between the rapture and second coming are as follows:
1) At the rapture, believers meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the second coming, believers return with the Lord to the earth (Revelation 19:14).
2) The second coming occurs after the great and terrible tribulation (Revelation chapters 6–19). The rapture occurs before the tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).
3) The rapture is the removal of believers from the earth as an act of deliverance (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 5:9). The second coming includes the removal of unbelievers as an act of judgment (Matthew 24:40-41).
4) The rapture will be secret and instant (1 Corinthians 15:50-54). The second coming will be visible to all (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:29-30).
5) The second coming of Christ will not occur until after certain other end-times events take place (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation chapters 6–18). The rapture is imminent; it could take place at any moment (Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54).
Why is it important to keep the rapture and the second coming distinct?
1) If the rapture and the second coming are the same event, believers will have to go through the tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).
2) If the rapture and the second coming are the same event, the return of Christ is not imminent—there are many things which must occur before He can return (Matthew 24:4-30).
3) In describing the tribulation period, Revelation chapters 6–19 nowhere mentions the church. During the tribulation—also called “the time of trouble for Jacob” (Jeremiah 30:7)—God will again turn His primary attention to Israel (Romans 11:17-31).
The rapture and second coming are similar but separate events. Both involve Jesus returning. Both are end-times events. However, it is crucially important to recognize the differences. In summary, the rapture is the return of Christ in the clouds to remove all believers from the earth before the time of God’s wrath. The second coming is the return of Christ to the earth to bring the tribulation to an end and to defeat the Antichrist and his evil world empire.
What is the mark of the beast (666)?
Question: "What is the mark of the beast (666)?"
Answer: The main passage in the Bible that mentions the “mark of the beast” is Revelation 13:15-18. Other references can be found in Revelation 14:9, 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, and 20:4. This mark acts as a seal for the followers of Antichrist and the false prophet (the spokesperson for the Antichrist). The false prophet (the second beast) is the one who causes people to take this mark. The mark is literally placed in the hand or forehead and is not simply a card someone carries.
The recent breakthroughs in medical implant chip and RFID technologies have increased interest in the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation chapter 13. It is possible that the technology we are seeing today represents the beginning stages of what may eventually be used as the mark of the beast. It is important to realize that a medical implant chip is not the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast will be something given only to those who worship the Antichrist. Having a medical or financial microchip inserted into your right hand or forehead is not the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast will be an end-times identification required by the Antichrist in order to buy or sell, and it will be given only to those who worship the Antichrist.
Many good expositors of Revelation differ widely as to the exact nature of the mark of the beast. Besides the implanted chip view, other speculations include an ID card, a microchip, a barcode that is tattooed into the skin, or simply a mark that identifies someone as being faithful to the Antichrist's kingdom. This last view requires the least speculation, since it does not add any more information to what the Bible gives us. In other words, any of these things are possible, but at the same time they are all speculations. We should not spend a lot of time speculating on the precise details.
The meaning of 666 is a mystery as well. Some have speculated that there was a connection to June 6, 2006—06/06/06. However, in Revelation chapter 13, the number 666 identifies a person, not a date. Revelation 13:18 tells us, “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.” Somehow, the number 666 will identify the Antichrist. For centuries Bible interpreters have been trying to identify certain individuals with 666. Nothing is conclusive. That is why Revelation 13:18 says the number requires wisdom. When the Antichrist is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4), it will be clear who he is and how the number 666 identifies him.
Answer: The main passage in the Bible that mentions the “mark of the beast” is Revelation 13:15-18. Other references can be found in Revelation 14:9, 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, and 20:4. This mark acts as a seal for the followers of Antichrist and the false prophet (the spokesperson for the Antichrist). The false prophet (the second beast) is the one who causes people to take this mark. The mark is literally placed in the hand or forehead and is not simply a card someone carries.
The recent breakthroughs in medical implant chip and RFID technologies have increased interest in the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation chapter 13. It is possible that the technology we are seeing today represents the beginning stages of what may eventually be used as the mark of the beast. It is important to realize that a medical implant chip is not the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast will be something given only to those who worship the Antichrist. Having a medical or financial microchip inserted into your right hand or forehead is not the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast will be an end-times identification required by the Antichrist in order to buy or sell, and it will be given only to those who worship the Antichrist.
Many good expositors of Revelation differ widely as to the exact nature of the mark of the beast. Besides the implanted chip view, other speculations include an ID card, a microchip, a barcode that is tattooed into the skin, or simply a mark that identifies someone as being faithful to the Antichrist's kingdom. This last view requires the least speculation, since it does not add any more information to what the Bible gives us. In other words, any of these things are possible, but at the same time they are all speculations. We should not spend a lot of time speculating on the precise details.
The meaning of 666 is a mystery as well. Some have speculated that there was a connection to June 6, 2006—06/06/06. However, in Revelation chapter 13, the number 666 identifies a person, not a date. Revelation 13:18 tells us, “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.” Somehow, the number 666 will identify the Antichrist. For centuries Bible interpreters have been trying to identify certain individuals with 666. Nothing is conclusive. That is why Revelation 13:18 says the number requires wisdom. When the Antichrist is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4), it will be clear who he is and how the number 666 identifies him.
What is going to happen according to end times prophecy?
Question: "What is going to happen according to end times prophecy?"
Answer: The Bible has a lot to say about the end times. Nearly every book of the Bible contains prophecy regarding the end times. Taking all of these prophecies and organizing them can be difficult. Following is a very brief summary of what the Bible declares will happen in the end times.
Christ will remove all born-again believers from the earth in an event known as the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54). At the judgment seat of Christ, these believers will be rewarded for good works and faithful service during their time on earth or will lose rewards, but not eternal life, for lack of service and obedience (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10).
The Antichrist (the beast) will come into power and will sign a covenant with Israel for seven years (Daniel 9:27). This seven-year period of time is known as the “tribulation.” During the tribulation, there will be terrible wars, famines, plagues, and natural disasters. God will be pouring out His wrath against sin, evil, and wickedness. The tribulation will include the appearance of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.
About halfway through the seven years, the Antichrist will break the peace covenant with Israel and make war against it. The Antichrist will commit “the abomination of desolation” and set up an image of himself to be worshipped in the Jerusalem temple (Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10), which will have been rebuilt. The second half of the tribulation is known as “the great tribulation” (Revelation 7:14) and “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7).
At the end of the seven-year tribulation, the Antichrist will launch a final attack on Jerusalem, culminating in the battle of Armageddon. Jesus Christ will return, destroy the Antichrist and his armies, and cast them into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21). Christ will then bind Satan in the Abyss for 1000 years and He will rule His earthly kingdom for this thousand-year period (Revelation 20:1-6).
At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released, defeated again, and then cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10) for eternity. Christ then judges all unbelievers (Revelation 20:10-15) at the great white throne judgment, casting them all into the lake of fire. Christ will then usher in a new heaven and new earth and the New Jerusalem—the eternal dwelling place of believers. There will be no more sin, sorrow, or death (Revelation 21–22).
Answer: The Bible has a lot to say about the end times. Nearly every book of the Bible contains prophecy regarding the end times. Taking all of these prophecies and organizing them can be difficult. Following is a very brief summary of what the Bible declares will happen in the end times.
Christ will remove all born-again believers from the earth in an event known as the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54). At the judgment seat of Christ, these believers will be rewarded for good works and faithful service during their time on earth or will lose rewards, but not eternal life, for lack of service and obedience (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10).
The Antichrist (the beast) will come into power and will sign a covenant with Israel for seven years (Daniel 9:27). This seven-year period of time is known as the “tribulation.” During the tribulation, there will be terrible wars, famines, plagues, and natural disasters. God will be pouring out His wrath against sin, evil, and wickedness. The tribulation will include the appearance of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.
About halfway through the seven years, the Antichrist will break the peace covenant with Israel and make war against it. The Antichrist will commit “the abomination of desolation” and set up an image of himself to be worshipped in the Jerusalem temple (Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10), which will have been rebuilt. The second half of the tribulation is known as “the great tribulation” (Revelation 7:14) and “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7).
At the end of the seven-year tribulation, the Antichrist will launch a final attack on Jerusalem, culminating in the battle of Armageddon. Jesus Christ will return, destroy the Antichrist and his armies, and cast them into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21). Christ will then bind Satan in the Abyss for 1000 years and He will rule His earthly kingdom for this thousand-year period (Revelation 20:1-6).
At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released, defeated again, and then cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10) for eternity. Christ then judges all unbelievers (Revelation 20:10-15) at the great white throne judgment, casting them all into the lake of fire. Christ will then usher in a new heaven and new earth and the New Jerusalem—the eternal dwelling place of believers. There will be no more sin, sorrow, or death (Revelation 21–22).
What is the Rapture of the church?
Answer: The word “rapture” does not occur in the Bible. The concept of the rapture, though, is clearly taught in Scripture. The rapture of the church is the event in which God removes all believers from the earth in order to make way for His righteous judgment to be poured out on the earth during the tribulation period. The rapture is described primarily in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. God will resurrect all believers who have died, give them glorified bodies, and take them from the earth, along with those believers who are still alive and who will at that time also be given glorified bodies. “For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
The rapture will be instantaneous in nature, and we will receive glorified bodies at that time. “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). The rapture is the glorious event we should all be longing for. We will finally be free from sin. We will be in God's presence forever. There is far too much debate over the meaning and scope of the rapture. This is not God’s intent. Rather, in regard to the rapture, God wants us to “encourage each other with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:18).
Top 20 Most Frequently Asked Bible Questions
1. Women pastors / preachers? What does the Bible say about women in ministry?
2. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is it a sin?
3. What does the Bible say about tattoos / body piercings?
4. Once saved always saved? / Is eternal security Biblical? / Can a Christian lose salvation?
5. Masturbation - is it a sin according to the Bible?
6. What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
7. Who was Cain's wife?
8. What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide? What about a believer who commits suicide?
9. Do pets / animals go to Heaven? Do pets / animals have souls?
10. What happens after death?
11. What does the Bible say about Christian tithing?
12. What is the gift of speaking in tongues? Is it for today? What about praying in tongues?
13. What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
14. What is the importance of Christian baptism?
15. What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol?
16. What does the Bible say about gambling? Is gambling a sin?
17. What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
18. What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?
19. Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?
20. What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?
2. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is it a sin?
3. What does the Bible say about tattoos / body piercings?
4. Once saved always saved? / Is eternal security Biblical? / Can a Christian lose salvation?
5. Masturbation - is it a sin according to the Bible?
6. What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
7. Who was Cain's wife?
8. What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide? What about a believer who commits suicide?
9. Do pets / animals go to Heaven? Do pets / animals have souls?
10. What happens after death?
11. What does the Bible say about Christian tithing?
12. What is the gift of speaking in tongues? Is it for today? What about praying in tongues?
13. What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
14. What is the importance of Christian baptism?
15. What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol?
16. What does the Bible say about gambling? Is gambling a sin?
17. What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
18. What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?
19. Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?
20. What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?
Questions about the Church
What is the church?
What is Ecclesiology?
What is the purpose of the church?
Why are there so many different Christian interpretations?
What does the "husband of one wife" phrase in 1 Timothy 3:2 mean?
What is the importance of Christian baptism?
What is the proper mode of baptism?
What is the importance of the Lord's Supper / Christian Communion?
How often should the Lord's Supper / Communion be observed?
Should communion be open or closed?
What is Christian Missions?
What is a Christian missionary?
What are the pros and cons of short-term missions?
Is ecumenism Biblical? Should a Christian be involved in the ecumenical movement?
What are the responsibilities of deacons in the church?
What are the duties of an elder in the church?
What is ministry?
Women pastors / preachers? What does the Bible say about women in ministry?
Do women have to remain silent in church?
Can women serve as deacons in the church?
What day is the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday?
Does God require Sabbath keeping of Christians?
What is the Sabbath day?
What is the rock in Matthew 16:18?
Are we supposed to use musical instruments in church?
Why is church attendance important?
Should the church get involved in social issues and causes?
Do women have to wear head coverings in church? What does 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 mean?
What should I be looking for in a church?
What does the Bible say about infant baptism?
What does the Bible say about church discipline / excommunication?
When is it right to leave a church and look for another one?
Why are there so many Christian denominations?
What does the Bible say about the form of church government?
Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today?
What is the difference between the universal and local church?
What does it mean that the church is the bride of Christ?
Are we supposed to obey our pastors?
What does the Bible say about selling in church?
Should we be baptized in Jesus' name (Acts 2:38), or in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)?
How can I know if I am being called to preach?
Should pastors be paid a salary?
What is Biblical separation?
Why is church membership important?
Why do some churches thrive while others die?
What does the Bible say about church growth?
When is the right time to build a new church building?
Can an unmarried man be a deacon or elder?
Are there prophets in the church today?
Are seeker sensitive churches Biblical?
What are the qualifications of elders and deacons?
What is the meaning of Christian worship?
What is koinonia?
Why do we have to dress up nice for church?
What was the Protestant Reformation?
Why should I believe in organized religion?
What was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true church?
Should a church participate in fund-raising?
What is the five (5) fold ministry?
Is a home church a true Biblical church?
What does the Bible say about Christian confirmation?
Is the priesthood of all believers Biblical?
Who is permitted to baptize / perform baptisms?
What is the duty / role of a pastor's wife?
Is baptism required before a person can receive communion?
When should children be baptized and/or allowed to take the Lord's Supper?
What does the Bible say about liturgy? Should a Christian participate in liturgical worship?
Should a church tithe 10% of the offerings it receives?
How much authority should a pastor have over a church?
What is the G12 vision / movement?
What is the emerging / emergent church movement?
What is the purpose of church by-laws (bylaws)?
How should conflict in the church be handled?
I have been burned and hurt by the church in the past. How can I overcome this and renew a passion for church and a desire to attend church?
Why are so many evangelical Christian leaders caught in scandals?
I was baptized unbiblically? Do I need to be rebaptized?
What does the Bible say about being a God-parent?
What is Landmarkism? What is “Baptist Bride” theology?
If a person wants to be baptized, but is unable to be immersed into water due to being ill, disabled, elderly...etc. - what should be done?
Can a man who is married to a divorced woman serve in church leadership?
What factors should one consider when trying to find a good local church?
What are appropriate reasons for missing church?
What is church planting?
What is expository preaching?
What does the Bible say about ordination?
How is the church the Body of Christ?
What is baby dedication? Is child / baby dedication biblical?
Is it wrong to attend two (or more) different churches?
Who is authorized to oversee the Lord's Supper?
What does the Bible say about altar calls? Are altar calls biblical?
Should the title of "reverend" be given to a church leader?
What is an armor-bearer? Should there be a church position of armor-bearer?
Which of the 30,000 Protestant denominations is the true church of God?
What is missiology?
Should Christians judge the teachings of their leaders?
Should it be required that a man have formal Bible education before he can serve as a pastor?
What is hellfire preaching? Is hellfire preaching biblical?
How can a church survive/recover when a pastor leaves?
What is the value of pastoral counseling?
Can restoration occur after a pastor has been caught in a scandal?
Can women serve as elders in the church?
What is the cause of church splits? How healing occur after a church split?
Does the Bible teach the office of pastor?
Complementarianism vs. egalitarianism - which view is biblically correct?
What is a non-denominational church? What do non-denominational churches believe?
Is the observance of a first communion biblical?
What does the Bible say about Sunday School?
What should a Christian do if he/she lives in an area where there is no church to attend?
What is Christian revival?
What is the origin of baptism?
Is it acceptable to have communion outside of the church?
What are the ingredients to a truly biblical worship service?
Should we raise our hands/clap our hands during worship?
Is it biblical for a church to seek 501(c)(3) incorporation?
How much of a priority should worship be in the church?
What does the Bible say about the position of worship leader?
What is the difference between ordinances and sacraments?
What does the Bible say about church-hopping?
Are mission boards biblical?
Is there biblical support for parachurch ministries?
What is a Bible church?
Does a person have to attend church to go to heaven?
What does it mean to be missional? Should Christians be missional?
What does the Bible say about women music ministers / worship leaders?
What does the Bible say about the role of senior pastor?
What is a Pastor Emeritus?
What does the Bible say about the role of associate/assistant pastor?
What does the Bible say about the role of youth pastor/minister?
What does the Bible say about youth ministry?
What does the Bible say about the role of evangelism/outreach pastor?
What is a biblical theology of worship?
What is religiosity?
What is the Simple Church movement? Is it biblical?
What is the Tangible Kingdom movement?
Should wine or grape juice be used for communion?
What does "communion of the saints" mean in the ancient creeds?
What are the pros and cons of attending a mega-church (megachurch)?
How can the church achieve a true, biblical unity?
What is Ecclesiology?
What is the purpose of the church?
Why are there so many different Christian interpretations?
What does the "husband of one wife" phrase in 1 Timothy 3:2 mean?
What is the importance of Christian baptism?
What is the proper mode of baptism?
What is the importance of the Lord's Supper / Christian Communion?
How often should the Lord's Supper / Communion be observed?
Should communion be open or closed?
What is Christian Missions?
What is a Christian missionary?
What are the pros and cons of short-term missions?
Is ecumenism Biblical? Should a Christian be involved in the ecumenical movement?
What are the responsibilities of deacons in the church?
What are the duties of an elder in the church?
What is ministry?
Women pastors / preachers? What does the Bible say about women in ministry?
Do women have to remain silent in church?
Can women serve as deacons in the church?
What day is the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday?
Does God require Sabbath keeping of Christians?
What is the Sabbath day?
What is the rock in Matthew 16:18?
Are we supposed to use musical instruments in church?
Why is church attendance important?
Should the church get involved in social issues and causes?
Do women have to wear head coverings in church? What does 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 mean?
What should I be looking for in a church?
What does the Bible say about infant baptism?
What does the Bible say about church discipline / excommunication?
When is it right to leave a church and look for another one?
Why are there so many Christian denominations?
What does the Bible say about the form of church government?
Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today?
What is the difference between the universal and local church?
What does it mean that the church is the bride of Christ?
Are we supposed to obey our pastors?
What does the Bible say about selling in church?
Should we be baptized in Jesus' name (Acts 2:38), or in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)?
How can I know if I am being called to preach?
Should pastors be paid a salary?
What is Biblical separation?
Why is church membership important?
Why do some churches thrive while others die?
What does the Bible say about church growth?
When is the right time to build a new church building?
Can an unmarried man be a deacon or elder?
Are there prophets in the church today?
Are seeker sensitive churches Biblical?
What are the qualifications of elders and deacons?
What is the meaning of Christian worship?
What is koinonia?
Why do we have to dress up nice for church?
What was the Protestant Reformation?
Why should I believe in organized religion?
What was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true church?
Should a church participate in fund-raising?
What is the five (5) fold ministry?
Is a home church a true Biblical church?
What does the Bible say about Christian confirmation?
Is the priesthood of all believers Biblical?
Who is permitted to baptize / perform baptisms?
What is the duty / role of a pastor's wife?
Is baptism required before a person can receive communion?
When should children be baptized and/or allowed to take the Lord's Supper?
What does the Bible say about liturgy? Should a Christian participate in liturgical worship?
Should a church tithe 10% of the offerings it receives?
How much authority should a pastor have over a church?
What is the G12 vision / movement?
What is the emerging / emergent church movement?
What is the purpose of church by-laws (bylaws)?
How should conflict in the church be handled?
I have been burned and hurt by the church in the past. How can I overcome this and renew a passion for church and a desire to attend church?
Why are so many evangelical Christian leaders caught in scandals?
I was baptized unbiblically? Do I need to be rebaptized?
What does the Bible say about being a God-parent?
What is Landmarkism? What is “Baptist Bride” theology?
If a person wants to be baptized, but is unable to be immersed into water due to being ill, disabled, elderly...etc. - what should be done?
Can a man who is married to a divorced woman serve in church leadership?
What factors should one consider when trying to find a good local church?
What are appropriate reasons for missing church?
What is church planting?
What is expository preaching?
What does the Bible say about ordination?
How is the church the Body of Christ?
What is baby dedication? Is child / baby dedication biblical?
Is it wrong to attend two (or more) different churches?
Who is authorized to oversee the Lord's Supper?
What does the Bible say about altar calls? Are altar calls biblical?
Should the title of "reverend" be given to a church leader?
What is an armor-bearer? Should there be a church position of armor-bearer?
Which of the 30,000 Protestant denominations is the true church of God?
What is missiology?
Should Christians judge the teachings of their leaders?
Should it be required that a man have formal Bible education before he can serve as a pastor?
What is hellfire preaching? Is hellfire preaching biblical?
How can a church survive/recover when a pastor leaves?
What is the value of pastoral counseling?
Can restoration occur after a pastor has been caught in a scandal?
Can women serve as elders in the church?
What is the cause of church splits? How healing occur after a church split?
Does the Bible teach the office of pastor?
Complementarianism vs. egalitarianism - which view is biblically correct?
What is a non-denominational church? What do non-denominational churches believe?
Is the observance of a first communion biblical?
What does the Bible say about Sunday School?
What should a Christian do if he/she lives in an area where there is no church to attend?
What is Christian revival?
What is the origin of baptism?
Is it acceptable to have communion outside of the church?
What are the ingredients to a truly biblical worship service?
Should we raise our hands/clap our hands during worship?
Is it biblical for a church to seek 501(c)(3) incorporation?
How much of a priority should worship be in the church?
What does the Bible say about the position of worship leader?
What is the difference between ordinances and sacraments?
What does the Bible say about church-hopping?
Are mission boards biblical?
Is there biblical support for parachurch ministries?
What is a Bible church?
Does a person have to attend church to go to heaven?
What does it mean to be missional? Should Christians be missional?
What does the Bible say about women music ministers / worship leaders?
What does the Bible say about the role of senior pastor?
What is a Pastor Emeritus?
What does the Bible say about the role of associate/assistant pastor?
What does the Bible say about the role of youth pastor/minister?
What does the Bible say about youth ministry?
What does the Bible say about the role of evangelism/outreach pastor?
What is a biblical theology of worship?
What is religiosity?
What is the Simple Church movement? Is it biblical?
What is the Tangible Kingdom movement?
Should wine or grape juice be used for communion?
What does "communion of the saints" mean in the ancient creeds?
What are the pros and cons of attending a mega-church (megachurch)?
How can the church achieve a true, biblical unity?
Questions about the Holy Spirit
Who / what is the Holy Spirit?
What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
What is Pneumatology?
When / How do we receive the Holy Spirit?
Are the miraculous gifts of the Spirit for today?
What is the gift of speaking in tongues? Is it for today?
How do I identify my spiritual gift?
How does God distribute spiritual gifts? Will God give me the gift I ask for?
What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?
Is being slain in the Spirit biblical?
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives today?
How can I be filled with the Spirit?
What is the difference between a talent and a spiritual gift?
What does it mean to grieve / quench the Holy Spirit?
Is speaking in tongues evidence for having the Holy Spirit?
What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?
Is a believer supposed to be able to feel the Holy Spirit?
What is praying in the Spirit?
Will the Holy Spirit ever leave a believer?
What is the filioque clause / filioque controversy?
Is cessationism Biblical?
What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost?
What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is our Paraclete?
What is the Latter Rain Movement?
What is praying in tongues? Is praying in tongues a prayer language between a believer and God?
Is the Holy Spirit a "He," "She," or “It,” male, female, or neuter?
Why is the dove often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit?
What are the names and titles of the Holy Spirit?
What was the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?
Spiritual gifts survey - what are the different spiritual gifts the Bible mentions?
How is the Holy Spirit like a fire?
Is there a biblical spiritual gifts list?
What is the Charismatic movement?
Is there any value to a spiritual gifts test/inventory/assessment?
Should we worship the Holy Spirit?
What is glossolalia?
What is the seal of the Holy Spirit?
What are the spiritual gifts of the “word of wisdom” and the “word of knowledge”?
What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
What is Pneumatology?
When / How do we receive the Holy Spirit?
Are the miraculous gifts of the Spirit for today?
What is the gift of speaking in tongues? Is it for today?
How do I identify my spiritual gift?
How does God distribute spiritual gifts? Will God give me the gift I ask for?
What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?
Is being slain in the Spirit biblical?
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives today?
How can I be filled with the Spirit?
What is the difference between a talent and a spiritual gift?
What does it mean to grieve / quench the Holy Spirit?
Is speaking in tongues evidence for having the Holy Spirit?
What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?
Is a believer supposed to be able to feel the Holy Spirit?
What is praying in the Spirit?
Will the Holy Spirit ever leave a believer?
What is the filioque clause / filioque controversy?
Is cessationism Biblical?
What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost?
What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is our Paraclete?
What is the Latter Rain Movement?
What is praying in tongues? Is praying in tongues a prayer language between a believer and God?
Is the Holy Spirit a "He," "She," or “It,” male, female, or neuter?
Why is the dove often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit?
What are the names and titles of the Holy Spirit?
What was the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?
Spiritual gifts survey - what are the different spiritual gifts the Bible mentions?
How is the Holy Spirit like a fire?
Is there a biblical spiritual gifts list?
What is the Charismatic movement?
Is there any value to a spiritual gifts test/inventory/assessment?
Should we worship the Holy Spirit?
What is glossolalia?
What is the seal of the Holy Spirit?
What are the spiritual gifts of the “word of wisdom” and the “word of knowledge”?
Questions about Jesus Christ
Who is Jesus Christ?
Did Jesus really exist? Is there any historical evidence of Jesus Christ?
What does it mean that Jesus saves?
Why should I believe in Christ’s resurrection?
Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ true?
What were the key events in the life of Jesus Christ?
What is Christology?
What is the passion of Christ?
Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?
Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God?
Is the deity of Christ Biblical?
What is the hypostatic union? How can Jesus be both God and man at the same time?
Did Jesus have brothers and sisters (siblings)?
Was Jesus crucified on a Friday? If so, how did He spend three days in the tomb if He was resurrected on Sunday?
Why is the virgin birth so important?
What did Jesus look like?
When did Jesus know that He was God?
Where does the Old Testament predict the coming of Christ?
Why doesn't the Bible say much about Jesus' childhood?
Could Jesus have sinned? If He could not sin, what was the point of the temptation?
Why was Jesus baptized?
Why are Jesus' genealogies in Matthew and Luke so different?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of Man?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of God?
What does it mean that Jesus is the son of David?
Who was responsible for Christ's death?
Why did Jesus have to suffer so badly?
How is Jesus Christ unique?
What are the last seven sayings of Christ and what do they mean?
What was Jesus like as a person?
Was Jesus married?
Did Jesus fight Satan for the keys to the kingdom?
Was Jesus ever angry?
What is the Jesus Seminar?
What is the Jesus Family Tomb? Has the lost tomb of Jesus Christ been discovered?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Lamb of God?
What is the kenosis?
What was the meaning and importance of the transfiguration?
What trials did Jesus face before His crucifixion?
Why did Jesus command people to not tell others of the miracles He performed?
Was Jesus crucified on a cross, pole, or stake?
What does John 1:1,14 mean when it says that Jesus is the Word of God?
What is the doctrine of eternal Sonship and is it Biblical?
If His name was Yeshua, why do we call Him Jesus?
Why wasn't Jesus named Immanuel?
The Jesus Papers - what are they?
Is it wrong to have pictures of Jesus?
Is Isaiah 53 'The Suffering Servant' a prophecy about Jesus?
What is the Swoon Theory? Did Jesus survive the crucifixion?
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
What does INRI stand for? What was written on the sign nailed to the cross above Jesus’ head?
How long was Jesus' ministry?
If Jesus was God, how could He pray to God? Was Jesus praying to Himself?
Why did God send Jesus when He did? Why not earlier? Why not later?
What is the meaning of those who were raised to life at Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:52-53)?
Was Jesus a pacifist?
After His resurrection, why did Jesus tell Mary not to touch Him, but later tell Thomas to touch Him?
What does it mean that Jesus is the 'first-born' over Creation?
How is Jesus different from other religious leaders?
Why did blood and water come out of Jesus' side when He was pierced?
What is the meaning and importance of the ascension of Jesus Christ?
Can the various resurrection accounts from the four Gospels be harmonized?
What does it mean that Jesus is God's only begotten son?
Is the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar biblical?
How is Jesus our Sabbath Rest?
What is the meaning of the blood of Christ?
Where was Joseph when Jesus was an adult?
What are the different names and titles of Jesus Christ?
Who was the real historical Jesus?
Is Jesus a myth? Is Jesus just a copy of the pagan gods of other ancient religions?
Why didn't the disciples always recognize Jesus after His resurrection?
Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?
Why are both Jesus and Satan referred to as the morning star?
What is the doctrine of eternal generation and is it biblical?
If Jesus was God, why did He say "No one is good but God alone"?
Was Jesus a Jew?
Did Jesus ever travel to India?
What does it mean that Jesus is our High Priest?
What is the significance of the triumphal entry?
What is the love of Christ?
What does it mean that Jesus is the second Adam?
What language did Jesus speak?
Is Jesus a zombie?
How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple? Why did He cleanse the temple?
What was the meaning and purpose of Jesus' temptations?
What did Jesus mean when He said 'I AM'?
Where do the Hebrew Scriptures prophesy the death and resurrection of the Messiah?
What is the purpose of Jesus interceding for us in Heaven?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)?
What does it mean that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone?
What does it mean that Jesus is our mediator?
What happened during Jesus’ last hours on earth?
What are the Stations of the Cross and what can we learn from them?
When Jesus was nailed to the cross did the nails go through His hands or His wrists?
Was Jesus black?
Did Jesus really exist? Is there any historical evidence of Jesus Christ?
What does it mean that Jesus saves?
Why should I believe in Christ’s resurrection?
Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ true?
What were the key events in the life of Jesus Christ?
What is Christology?
What is the passion of Christ?
Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?
Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God?
Is the deity of Christ Biblical?
What is the hypostatic union? How can Jesus be both God and man at the same time?
Did Jesus have brothers and sisters (siblings)?
Was Jesus crucified on a Friday? If so, how did He spend three days in the tomb if He was resurrected on Sunday?
Why is the virgin birth so important?
What did Jesus look like?
When did Jesus know that He was God?
Where does the Old Testament predict the coming of Christ?
Why doesn't the Bible say much about Jesus' childhood?
Could Jesus have sinned? If He could not sin, what was the point of the temptation?
Why was Jesus baptized?
Why are Jesus' genealogies in Matthew and Luke so different?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of Man?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of God?
What does it mean that Jesus is the son of David?
Who was responsible for Christ's death?
Why did Jesus have to suffer so badly?
How is Jesus Christ unique?
What are the last seven sayings of Christ and what do they mean?
What was Jesus like as a person?
Was Jesus married?
Did Jesus fight Satan for the keys to the kingdom?
Was Jesus ever angry?
What is the Jesus Seminar?
What is the Jesus Family Tomb? Has the lost tomb of Jesus Christ been discovered?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Lamb of God?
What is the kenosis?
What was the meaning and importance of the transfiguration?
What trials did Jesus face before His crucifixion?
Why did Jesus command people to not tell others of the miracles He performed?
Was Jesus crucified on a cross, pole, or stake?
What does John 1:1,14 mean when it says that Jesus is the Word of God?
What is the doctrine of eternal Sonship and is it Biblical?
If His name was Yeshua, why do we call Him Jesus?
Why wasn't Jesus named Immanuel?
The Jesus Papers - what are they?
Is it wrong to have pictures of Jesus?
Is Isaiah 53 'The Suffering Servant' a prophecy about Jesus?
What is the Swoon Theory? Did Jesus survive the crucifixion?
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
What does INRI stand for? What was written on the sign nailed to the cross above Jesus’ head?
How long was Jesus' ministry?
If Jesus was God, how could He pray to God? Was Jesus praying to Himself?
Why did God send Jesus when He did? Why not earlier? Why not later?
What is the meaning of those who were raised to life at Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:52-53)?
Was Jesus a pacifist?
After His resurrection, why did Jesus tell Mary not to touch Him, but later tell Thomas to touch Him?
What does it mean that Jesus is the 'first-born' over Creation?
How is Jesus different from other religious leaders?
Why did blood and water come out of Jesus' side when He was pierced?
What is the meaning and importance of the ascension of Jesus Christ?
Can the various resurrection accounts from the four Gospels be harmonized?
What does it mean that Jesus is God's only begotten son?
Is the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar biblical?
How is Jesus our Sabbath Rest?
What is the meaning of the blood of Christ?
Where was Joseph when Jesus was an adult?
What are the different names and titles of Jesus Christ?
Who was the real historical Jesus?
Is Jesus a myth? Is Jesus just a copy of the pagan gods of other ancient religions?
Why didn't the disciples always recognize Jesus after His resurrection?
Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?
Why are both Jesus and Satan referred to as the morning star?
What is the doctrine of eternal generation and is it biblical?
If Jesus was God, why did He say "No one is good but God alone"?
Was Jesus a Jew?
Did Jesus ever travel to India?
What does it mean that Jesus is our High Priest?
What is the significance of the triumphal entry?
What is the love of Christ?
What does it mean that Jesus is the second Adam?
What language did Jesus speak?
Is Jesus a zombie?
How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple? Why did He cleanse the temple?
What was the meaning and purpose of Jesus' temptations?
What did Jesus mean when He said 'I AM'?
Where do the Hebrew Scriptures prophesy the death and resurrection of the Messiah?
What is the purpose of Jesus interceding for us in Heaven?
What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)?
What does it mean that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone?
What does it mean that Jesus is our mediator?
What happened during Jesus’ last hours on earth?
What are the Stations of the Cross and what can we learn from them?
When Jesus was nailed to the cross did the nails go through His hands or His wrists?
Was Jesus black?
Questions about God
Does God exist?
Who is God?
Is there an argument for the existence of God?
Is God real?
Is God dead?
What are the attributes of God? What is God like?
What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
Can monotheism be proven?
What is Theology Proper / Paterology?
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
Did God create evil?
Why does God allow the innocent to suffer?
Does God love everyone or just Christians?
Is God sovereign, or do we have a free will?
What are the different names of God, and what do they mean?
Where was God on September 11th?
Why doesn't God still perform miracles like He did in the Bible?
Does God hear / answer the prayers of a sinner / unbeliever?
Why does God love us?
Why was God so evident in the Bible and seems so hidden today?
Does God punish us when we sin?
Why is God a jealous God?
Who created God? Where did God come from?
How do I get the image of God as imposing and angry out of my mind?
Does God change His mind?
Has anyone ever seen God?
What does it mean to fear God?
Is it wrong to question God?
Is there anything God can't do?
Does God have a sense of humor?
Why is God so different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament?
Is God / the Bible sexist?
Why does God demand, seek, or request that we worship Him?
Is God fair?
Why did God command the extermination of the Canaanites?
Is God male or female?
What is YHWH? What is the tetragrammaton?
Does God make mistakes?
What does God look like?
Why does God allow sickness?
What does it mean that God is love?
Why does God create people when He knows they are going to go to hell?
Why does God allow evil men like Hitler and Saddam to come into power?
Does God tempt us to sin? What about Abraham in Genesis chapter 22?
What is deism? What do deists believe?
Does God still speak to us today?
Why does God allow natural disasters, i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis?
What was God doing before He created the universe?
What is God's will?
What is the immutability of God?
Could God create a rock so heavy He could not lift it?
Why does God refer to Himself in the plural in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22?
Why does God require faith?
Does God help those who help themselves?
Why does God allow birth defects?
Why does Scripture emphasize the right hand of God?
Does God have a physical body?
Can God sin? If God cannot sin, is He truly omnipotent?
What does it mean that God is infinite?
Why does God allow evil?
Where is God now? Where is God when it hurts?
Is it sometimes God's will for believers to be sick?
What is the key to truly knowing God?
How is belief in God any different from belief in a Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Why won't God heal amputees?
Is God cruel?
Is God imaginary?
Why did God allow the Holocaust?
What does it mean to find God?
What is the glory of God?
What is the Godhead?
Does God hate? If God is love, how can He hate?
If God knew that Satan would rebel and Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them?
Is God evil?
What do LORD, GOD, Lord, God, etc., stand for in the Bible? Why are they used in place of God's name?
Why does God allow good things to happen to bad people?
Is it wrong to be angry with God?
Is it wrong to feel disappointment with God?
Is it wrong to be frustrated with God?
Why is seeking God important?
How should I understand the concept of the Father God?
What does it mean that God is a God of justice?
What does it mean that God is Almighty?
What does it mean that God is the Ancient of Days?
What is God's relationship to time?
What does it mean that God is eternal?
Is God's love conditional or unconditional?
What is the biblical understanding of the wrath of God?
What does it mean that God is omniscient?
What does it mean that God is omnipresent?
What does it mean that God is omnipotent?
What does it mean that God is transcendent?
Does God love Satan?
Did God die? If Jesus was God, and Jesus died on the cross, does that mean God died?
Why does God test us?
What does it mean to bless God?
What does it mean to be in the presence of God?
What does it mean that God is holy, holy, holy?
Is it really true that ALL things are possible with God?
Does God expect us to have blind faith?
Is there any conclusive proof of God?
Who is God?
Is there an argument for the existence of God?
Is God real?
Is God dead?
What are the attributes of God? What is God like?
What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?
Can monotheism be proven?
What is Theology Proper / Paterology?
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
Did God create evil?
Why does God allow the innocent to suffer?
Does God love everyone or just Christians?
Is God sovereign, or do we have a free will?
What are the different names of God, and what do they mean?
Where was God on September 11th?
Why doesn't God still perform miracles like He did in the Bible?
Does God hear / answer the prayers of a sinner / unbeliever?
Why does God love us?
Why was God so evident in the Bible and seems so hidden today?
Does God punish us when we sin?
Why is God a jealous God?
Who created God? Where did God come from?
How do I get the image of God as imposing and angry out of my mind?
Does God change His mind?
Has anyone ever seen God?
What does it mean to fear God?
Is it wrong to question God?
Is there anything God can't do?
Does God have a sense of humor?
Why is God so different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament?
Is God / the Bible sexist?
Why does God demand, seek, or request that we worship Him?
Is God fair?
Why did God command the extermination of the Canaanites?
Is God male or female?
What is YHWH? What is the tetragrammaton?
Does God make mistakes?
What does God look like?
Why does God allow sickness?
What does it mean that God is love?
Why does God create people when He knows they are going to go to hell?
Why does God allow evil men like Hitler and Saddam to come into power?
Does God tempt us to sin? What about Abraham in Genesis chapter 22?
What is deism? What do deists believe?
Does God still speak to us today?
Why does God allow natural disasters, i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis?
What was God doing before He created the universe?
What is God's will?
What is the immutability of God?
Could God create a rock so heavy He could not lift it?
Why does God refer to Himself in the plural in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22?
Why does God require faith?
Does God help those who help themselves?
Why does God allow birth defects?
Why does Scripture emphasize the right hand of God?
Does God have a physical body?
Can God sin? If God cannot sin, is He truly omnipotent?
What does it mean that God is infinite?
Why does God allow evil?
Where is God now? Where is God when it hurts?
Is it sometimes God's will for believers to be sick?
What is the key to truly knowing God?
How is belief in God any different from belief in a Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Why won't God heal amputees?
Is God cruel?
Is God imaginary?
Why did God allow the Holocaust?
What does it mean to find God?
What is the glory of God?
What is the Godhead?
Does God hate? If God is love, how can He hate?
If God knew that Satan would rebel and Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them?
Is God evil?
What do LORD, GOD, Lord, God, etc., stand for in the Bible? Why are they used in place of God's name?
Why does God allow good things to happen to bad people?
Is it wrong to be angry with God?
Is it wrong to feel disappointment with God?
Is it wrong to be frustrated with God?
Why is seeking God important?
How should I understand the concept of the Father God?
What does it mean that God is a God of justice?
What does it mean that God is Almighty?
What does it mean that God is the Ancient of Days?
What is God's relationship to time?
What does it mean that God is eternal?
Is God's love conditional or unconditional?
What is the biblical understanding of the wrath of God?
What does it mean that God is omniscient?
What does it mean that God is omnipresent?
What does it mean that God is omnipotent?
What does it mean that God is transcendent?
Does God love Satan?
Did God die? If Jesus was God, and Jesus died on the cross, does that mean God died?
Why does God test us?
What does it mean to bless God?
What does it mean to be in the presence of God?
What does it mean that God is holy, holy, holy?
Is it really true that ALL things are possible with God?
Does God expect us to have blind faith?
Is there any conclusive proof of God?
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